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K9 Cigars, Spirits and More was established as a tribute to the three things we enjoy most: a great cigar, a well-rounded bourbon, a great historic discussion- all shared with our faithful family members at our feet. K-9 Cigars are premium hand made cigars in Tamboril, Dominican Republic by some of the best cigar crafters at Rodriguez Oliván Cigars Factory.
Like dogs, each of our cigars has its own unique character. Blended to please the palate, K9 cigars are hand-made with top quality tobacco rolled by only the best artists in the Dominican Republic. Our cigars are unique in blend as we incorporate great tobacco such as Cuban Criollo 98, Ligero and Seco, and many more and in many 1st class binders and wrappers.
The Victorian age in the United States was very unique. Full of interesting dress and characters, the time period correlates very well to dog personalities. Depending on the breed, dogs can be stately, overbearing, lovable or capable of mischief. Our label and cigars reflect the characteristics that were profoundly strong in Victorian-Age America. We are thrilled to share our love of dogs with you. To us, nothing is more satisfying that arriving home after a day of work to relax with a cigar and your dog. We hope that you try all our cigars and find one as special to you as your own best friend.
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